Database Search

Last Updated On: 04-Dec-2023

Click on the tabs below for summary information of NTD products or use Search fields for more details.

PCT NTD Product
PQ / ERP Approved
Products Approved (ML3, ML4, SRA , WLA, WHO PQ)
Number of Manufacturers Identified
Production Capacity
Reported Shortages
3 102 19 No
1 51 13 450 No
2 40 4 12 No
2 49 11 No
2 2 2 No
0 2 0 No
0 346 46 No
PCT NTD Product
Number of Manufacturers Identified
API Approved (WHO API)
Reported Shortages
0 0 No
1 1 No
0 0 No
7 8 No
0 0 No
0 0 No
0 0 No

Product Update

S.# Date of Update Product Name Product Update